Commercial Office Cleaning services

Email: Tel: 4038909619

Maintaining your workplace with a high standard of cleanliness can improve your employees’ productivity and build a professional image to external visitors. Our best Calgary office cleaning service is always available for all after-hours requirements.It is better to give you quote after visit your office.

Facilities we service include but not limited to:

• Offices
• Retail Stores

Click here, we have a lot of photos of the work and you can see the work results in our gallery.

Commercial Office Cleaning

Our standard office cleaning package is:

·Cleaning outside of typical business hours

·Daily, weekly, or monthly cleaning frequency·Skirting boards, window sills, and general furniture dusted

·Doorknobs, doorframes, and doors wiped

·Desks wiped including under keyboards

·Keyboards, telephone handsets, and computer screens dusted

·Kitchen area or lunchroom cleaned

 Tables and chairs wiped/Clean countertops/Appliances exterior cleaned

Microwave oven cleaned inside and outside/Clean countertops

Clean sink/Clean outside of refrigerator/Clean inside and outside of the cabinet

·Restrooms or toilets cleaned and sanitized

Clean sink/Toilet bowl cleaned and sanitized/Mirrors cleaned

·Emptying and disinfecting trash bins.

·Rubbish bag changed

·Vacuum throughout including under desks. Floor mopped

Reasons to choose HB Cleaning

We are one of the best choices for customers with combined office and house cleaning demand.

We do not mind working 6am to 6pm. We accept same day or second day booking.

We provide reliable service so please feel free to let us in charge of the whole thing. We always alert clients when your alarm is set off when it should be on. We always alert clients when the fridge is out of power. We alert clients when hearing suspicious beeping. We alert clients when seeing water system failure or damage.